Features of brand PPS 10 TU
You need to take into account that this brand of foam will quickly lose quality and collapse from the active effects of moisture, frost and sunlight. And the better you protect the insulation from such effects, the longer and better it will work.
You can choose more stable and durable brands in our catalog, and read about the benefits and dangers here.
Polystyrene foam and its main application
The minimum density of all grades of foam in this category (PPS / EPS), with the most purchased brand. Due to its price, good insulation and sound insulation qualities has earned popularity.
PPS 10 TU is used for insulation of commercial buildings, warehouses, storage, temporary residence houses, cabins, temporary insulation of capital structures. Such foam is good to insulate the window openings, which could not be glazed to the cold (to fit the plate in size, insert into the opening and close the gap mounting foam). It is possible to use plates of this brand for sound insulation indoors (overlapping, walls, partitions), at the same time application of expanded polystyrene will serve long time. It is also used as packaging.
Mounting recommendations
To process such foam is quite easy: you can cut with a knife along the metal rack or saw with a hacksaw. Glue together better adhesive based on vinyl acetate, and for concrete and brick to use glue, which can be bought here. To seal the joints is easier with foam. For fastening to the tree, you can use fasteners with screws, and for other bases, special dowels are suitable.
Prices and discounts
Below are the prices per cubic meter and piece for example. Prices are without discount.
Retail price
Price small wholesale
Wholesale price
The price of large wholesale
1510 RUB / m3
1410 RUB / m3
1320 RUB / m3
1270 RUB / m3
price per piece 151 rubles.
price per piece 141 rubles.
price per piece 132 rubles.
price per piece 127 rubles.
the price per piece 302rub.
price per piece 282 rubles.
price per piece 264 rubles.
price per piece 254 rubles.
All price columns are subject to a discount of 4 to 12%, the conditions specify by phone
+7 (343) 213-02-16.
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Read..Tags: foam, polystyrene, PPS 10 TU, PSB-s-15, EPS, insulation